miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

I have a confession to make...

El escrito que precede esta introducción fue creado el 12 de octubre de 2006 a horas de la madrugada (que es cuando muchos de nosotros nos inspiramos o expresamos nuestro sentir);aquello que toca nuestra fibra y no se resigna a callar en nuestros adentros.
La razón por la que está en el idioma inglés es porque a raíz de mis estudios en Ohio, creé la dualidad de pensamiento en ambos idiomas y muchos de mis conflictos existenciales me los cuestiono en ese idioma. Para nada ello significa que el español no me hace pensar; al contrario, el español esta arraigado a mis verdaderos sentimientos y a mi Ser. Quería hace un tiempo compartir el mismo. Hacer esto me hace feliz…me libera y me une a la vez.



I have a confession to make….to myself. I’m the only one here. Seems like I’m surrounded by millions of versions of my kind, but they are not really there. They are not behaving or responding to the same emotions I’m going through. I’m scared. I don’t like what this humanity is made of. I feel like people notice the strange behavior I have. I’m absent minded. Nothing in this world surprises me, appeals to my desires, or makes me turn into a bad person. What’s being bad? Is the result of somebody’s selfish actions towards my existence. The combination of everybody being scared at the same time of what another could do or hurt you makes the equation be a fake one. For example: If everybody wants 2, but tell everybody they want 1, scared to be judged for wanting 2, the equation on the underneath unknown plane would be: 1+1=4. So, that means, the reality of numbers is questionable. There is more than one reality going on in this world. We are raised to handle just one, and when it comes to dealing with reality during adulthood, we don’t know how to deal with the past knowledge because it doesn’t work; it’s not practical.

So I stand here, admitting my vulnerability to this world, but I chose to be in it one day in which I had an afterlife experience. That day I realized all that surrounds me was made for me to acknowledge that matter is just a perfect synchronized energy form with complex expressions throughout the universe and that my eyes are here to enjoy the show and cry, laugh, question, doubt, and love. I love this opportunity but the reason is unknown to me. Thanks for letting me stay in this oasis of experiences, because I do not know what else is there…after the here…crossing the page…getting out of the picture…maybe nothing…maybe everything…maybe I’ll stop being scared. Being scared is the natural reaction towards the unknown. If I get to know everything through death, I’ll stop being scared. The one who knows everything can’t fear nothing. I would really love to know during this life something…something dearest to me: Please…Does real love exist? If I love someone else so dear so desperately, so innocently, so humanly, so the way my heart feels to, and that other person doesn’t love me back and hurts me…would I die? It hurts as much as dying…so if that’s the scariest truth of life…that real love doesn’t exist, I want to die now…there is no reason for all the beauty of creation if love is nonexistent. Love is life itself. Is what prevents people from committing suicide, or getting crazy or depressed or dysfunctional, and when you really know somebody cares for you truly, you want to keep on living, you have a reason to live and to enjoy life, and to love back.

So…after all, somebody has to be solving the real equation of life the way it should be: 1+1=2….together forever. Math is the reflection that something more powerful than us is under our wing. Math is perfection as pure love is perfection. As matter in the universe…energy itself looks for each other in perfect coexistence without fear or distrust forming the most perfect formations for only one reason unite…to serve for a greater purpose…to serve for the energy that people share the moment they meet without fear to unite and keep on forming greater beings of love…babies…and families, and when matter doesn’t fulfill its purpose…it destroys itself…so if humanity is not fulfilling the purpose for what matter was created: to display love…the end of our existence as we know it’s near…until no human is capable to love another with pure energy of love…that’s when the equation is wrong…and the cycle begins again…and the universe has to wait until perfect forms come again together to form life.

So the story is simple…fulfill your existence with love…and you’ll be part of the perfect cycle of eternal transformation.

I wish you a happy life, but more important than that…I wish you Love

9 comentarios:

  1. Para citar a los Fab Four "All you need is love… love is all you need". Aunque tuve que leerlo varias veces, porque la vista se me perdía en ocaciones (me imagino que por los años) ;-), te digo que es excelente y es un escrito al que el tiempo no le quita la vigencia y deja ver lo tremenda bloguera que ibas a terminar siendo. SALUD!!!

  2. How beautiful, original, dualidad de pensamiento.
    I prefer the ability to handle both languages
    to be inquisitive, to judge.

    You the indian of the captive race o sea india de raza kautiva.

    Do not miss the best blog: antigonum cajan evening post.

  3. Escribiendo alcanzo Karma.

    Quedo bueno, algo confuso, pero te pone a pensar.

    (Quítale la chapcas a los comentarios.)

  4. That's the beauty and the anguish of uniqueness, I guess... we better be feeling, 'cause otherwise, our mission wouldn't be so fruitful, it would feel purposeless.

    In the meantime, we have to either enjoy the ride to match with that significant other the will of desire or at least try to follow the traces that will lead us to that 'promised land'

    I not only loved the post, but I made it mine as well

  5. Congrats!
    I was able to feel the complexity of your emotions towards the conquer of love as the perfect form of life on earth. I learned that there are three things that matter the most, Faith, Hope, and Love, but the most important one is Love.

  6. Me encantó el post. Pienso que de este universo, mundo, existencia o como quisiéramos llamar es la matemática el pincel que modela lo que observamos y no conocemos del todo. Es el amor junto a todos los demás sentimientos lo que mejor podemos conocer pues nacen viven y mueren en uno, pero tantas veces confundidos quedamos por ellos mismos. En fin en esta ilusión llamada vida, poco conocemos y todo sentimos.

  7. Zeugly Los Beatles!! Gracias...en pocas palabras resumiste mi intencion final. :)
    antigonum cajan Tengo que pasar por tu blog. Es una promesa a mi misma. Gracias por tus palabras sinceras. La dualidad vive en mi, pero soy yo; solo una...mi espiritu de india esta arraigada a esta tierra que me vio nacer.
    magdiel Gracias :)
    Alkarah Jose Hiran "Escribiendo ademas de alcanzar semillas karmicas, trabajo mi Samsara en este mundo". Gracias por el aliento budista. Muy acertado! :)
    AcoolPRican Tu tienes una mente muy profunda y la siento desde que te leo. Tienes mucho que ofrecer! Gracias, este escrito es tan tuyo como mio ahora.
    Coqueta He visto como disfrutas de mis posts y se que eres una habil lectora. Que seria de mi blog sin ti. Gracias por visitarme! Al leernos todos, crecemos juntos.
    Luis Gerardo WAO...me encanta que mis lectores palpen mi fibra. EXACTO. Matematica y Amor son tan sublimes que son los indicados para enebrar todo este mundo que vivimos y experimentamos a traves de los sentidos. Ambos son mis mayores anhelos, mis misterios, la razon de mis intrigas y ambos los que mueven mi ser y todo lo que hay en este universo.

    (Disculpen mi tardanza en contestarles; aunque los haya leido en un inicio)

  8. Mmmmm... :)
    I was searching for: and the universe has to wait.. and found this post.
    *Sigh* .. I .. have many similar thoughts.. thoughts I cannot handle.. and cannot let them out! .. I do analyze things around (like.. everything - as much as I can..).. and .. I do not like where my analysis took me.. I basically afraid to say that I do not believe at anything! (take that as an inner loop if you want .. and if you understand what I mean here.. then .. ).. a crises of faith! ..
    what will I gain by posting this comment? what will I lose? .. does it matter..? .. does anything really matter?
